
I've been a vivid gym visitor for the past 2.5 years, just to stay in shape and develop some muscle. I wouldn't say that I'm heavily into lifting or the lifter lifestyle, I rarely follow a strict diet for smaller periods. Nowadays I visit the gym just once a week, that has to change though.

Bodybuilding (well, currently maintaining a decent shape, not building any extra as it seems) aside, I go running 2-3 times a week (clocked 86,5km in this June). Mostly a 9km cross country track. I keep track of workouts using Endomondo GPS tracking.

What I love the most are workplaces or companies that have these small contracts with gyms or sporting facilities. A 40% discount on your gym card sounds very nice considering that they cost €60 a month.

Messages In This Thread
Sport. - by Aloushi - 29.06.2012, 21:01
Re: Sport. - by Jansish - 29.06.2012, 21:08
Re: Sport. - by sleepysnowflake - 29.06.2012, 21:09
Re: Sport. - by Kaperstone - 29.06.2012, 21:33
Re: Sport. - by Max_Coldheart - 29.06.2012, 21:33
Re: Sport. - by Vince - 29.06.2012, 21:36
Re: Sport. - by Ironboy - 29.06.2012, 21:43
Re: Sport. - by «XTC» - 29.06.2012, 21:43
Re: Sport. - by TheArcher - 29.06.2012, 21:54
Re: Sport. - by AndreT - 29.06.2012, 22:04

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