27.06.2012, 13:46
Последний раз редактировалось SKAzini; 22.09.2012 в 19:39.
Yes, this has been done multiple times, BUT.
This one is (in my opinion) the smallest Checkpoint Streamer and it has an anti-loop fix implemented (by saving into a variable).

.zip Version 0.3: Here
Pastebin Version 0.3: Here
Old versions:
.zip Version 0.2: Here
Pastebin Version 0.2: Here
.zip Version 0.1: Here
Pastebin Version 0.1: Here
The coordinates is defined as "2096, 1287, 10" in this case, the "<=2" defines the minimum required coordinate distance, from the defined coordinates.
The coords, as before stated is "2096, 1287, 10" and the "<=30" here defines how long away from that coordinate you must be at a minimum to be able to see that checkpoint at that place.
Defines the checkpoint placement (the coordinates, before-stated as 2096, 1287, 10) and checkpoint type, 2.
This one is (in my opinion) the smallest Checkpoint Streamer and it has an anti-loop fix implemented (by saving into a variable).

.zip Version 0.3: Here
Pastebin Version 0.3: Here
Old versions:
.zip Version 0.2: Here
Pastebin Version 0.2: Here
.zip Version 0.1: Here
Pastebin Version 0.1: Here
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid)
if(GetDistanceToPoint(playerid,2096, 1287, 10)<=2)
pawn Код:
public CheckpointCheck()
if(GetDistanceToPoint(i, 2096, 1287, 10)<=30)
pawn Код:
SetPlayerCheckpoint(i, 2096, 1287, 10, 2);
V0.3: Renamed timer and message variable. The message variable is now a boolean. Syntax modified. V0.2: Better identiation. Missing/incorrect brackets fixed. V0.1: Released CP streamer.