26.06.2012, 20:43
When you save the player, add this (dini)
That sets their skin permission. Now, when you load it, do this.
Since you may not have file defined, do this each time you use it, before the code:
Change "Users/%s.ini" to the file location. So if you were just putting it in the scriptfiles folder, remove "Users/"
Hope I helped.
pawn Код:
dini_IntSet(file, "SkinPerm", SkinPermission[playerid]);
pawn Код:
SkinPermission[playerid] = dini_Int(file, "SkinPerm");
pawn Код:
new file[80], name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
format(file,sizeof(file),"Users/%s.ini", GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name)); //Example
Hope I helped.