25.06.2012, 17:11
Последний раз редактировалось paulor; 25.06.2012 в 17:50.
I'm not actually sure what it is supposed to do. I spotted one bug straight away. Your calling a function with CallRemoteFunction but it has not yet been forwarded or defined.
pawn Код:
forward @FuncTest(playerid, string[]);
public @FuncTest(playerid, string[]) {
CallRemoteFunction(#FuncTest, "is", playerid, string[]); //And what will replace it is with '[]' thus giving the compilation error!
forward FuncTest(playerid, string[]);
public FuncTest(playerid, string[]) {
printf("%i %s", playerid, string);
return 1;
About the number of parameters does not affect anything, since starting the third parameter will be all in 2%. Test it this way and true that there is no problem with that:
pawn Код:
Test(FuncTest, "i", playerid) { //Compile
printf("%i", playerid);
return 1;
Test(FuncTest, "s", string[]) { //Does not Compile
printf("%s", string);
return 1;