Registered plate stock error 'error 076: syntax error in the expression, or invalid function call'

This is my error
(4717) : error 076: syntax error in the expression, or invalid function call
(4731) : error 076: syntax error in the expression, or invalid function call
This is my stock
pawn Code:
stock RegisteredPlate(playerid)
    new string[50];
    return string;
Where I want the stock called.
pawn Code:
    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 7.0, GrottiSalesPos_X,GrottiSalesPos_Y,GrottiSalesPos_Z))//Grotti Dealership.
        SetVehicleNumberPlate(car, RegisteredPlate);
//---------------^ Row 4717 ^-----------
        format(query,sizeof(query), "INSERT INTO `vehicles`('%d','%s')",VehicleColour[playerid][1],RegisteredPlate);
//---------------^ Row 4731 ^-----------
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Vehicle Purchased");
        return 1;
I know that I am probably going to slap myself later for something blindingly obvious. But I can't see it at the moment hence the reason I am asking.

Messages In This Thread
Registered plate stock error 'error 076: syntax error in the expression, or invalid function call' - by Deal-or-die - 25.06.2012, 14:04
Re: Registered plate stock error 'error 076: syntax error in the expression, or invalid function call' - by ViniBorn - 25.06.2012, 15:09
Re: Registered plate stock error 'error 076: syntax error in the expression, or invalid function call' - by Deal-or-die - 25.06.2012, 15:12

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