Streamer weird errors [on the console]

This is most likely caused by a plugin/include you are using.

You have said that it started happening since you updated to 0.3e, so you most likely need to update your plugins/includes.

The error is telling you that you are using a function which requires 11 parameters (pieces of data), but you are only giving 3.

Check your script for "Streamer_CallbackHook", and could you provide some more information on what streamer this is?

Messages In This Thread
Streamer weird errors [on the console] - by Black Axe - 25.06.2012, 11:44
Re: Streamer weird errors [on the console] - by Hawky133 - 25.06.2012, 11:50
Re: Streamer weird errors [on the console] - by Black Axe - 25.06.2012, 11:55

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