Rotating objects

Originally Posted by MP2
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It works fine but the problem is, if the rotation if half way through and I rotate it back, it takes twice as long.
Did you stop object before start rotate it back ?


Use this function to stop a moving object, for example after using MoveObject.
Did you try to print out Floatpeed may be is something wrong with value of speed?

Messages In This Thread
Rotating objects - by MP2 - 25.06.2012, 01:32
Re: Rotating objects - by Jonny5 - 25.06.2012, 02:43
Re: Rotating objects - by MP2 - 25.06.2012, 03:05
Re: Rotating objects - by Kar - 25.06.2012, 03:08
Re: Rotating objects - by MP2 - 25.06.2012, 03:15
Re: Rotating objects - by Azazelo - 25.06.2012, 04:49

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