SQL - Lite CPU Usage problem ? -.-!

well i have started working upon a new gamemode
when starting it i got a choice between
SQL Lite and MySQL
i Chosen SQL Lite bcoz , due to some reason i cannot have an online mysql DB Space so..

ANyways, after working upon nearbout 2000 lines today i noticed high CPU usage by server , so whats the problem causing it ?
Also i using SQL Lite improved by Slice
i am using Sscanf2 and Icognito's Streamer Plugin too

Debug from Profiler Plugin : -

Total CPU Usage:
__________________________________________________ _________

__________________________________________________ _________
its way too high
i am worried bcoz the code yet is only ~2000 lines , and it will increase after more scripting.

I have no idea where to optimize code
some ppl on irc channel of samp said ,

it must be cause of queries i using

some part of code

I need some help to optimise stuff a.s.a.p , awwa

Messages In This Thread
SQL - Lite CPU Usage problem ? -.-! - by Niko_boy - 25.06.2012, 04:39

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