invisible objects

ok, im not good at scripting, but i know the basics. Im actually so tired of trying to do it by myself so i need you help so much.

Ok so I try to do invisible objects. Of course it's impossible because if i do it like
CreateObject(17699, 810, -2535.1000976563, 83.300003051758, 0, 0, 0, 0);
it looks like

so i try with setobjectmaterial, but i don't know how to. So is that possible to replace the texture of the object with "nothing" to make object totally transparent? If so, please give me an example.

Btw. my point is to create invisible fence, with possibility to shoot thorugh it. So, any ideas?

thank you

Messages In This Thread
invisible objects - by EvenemE - 24.06.2012, 22:43
Re: invisible objects - by Badger(new) - 24.06.2012, 23:17
Re: invisible objects - by MP2 - 24.06.2012, 23:17
Re: invisible objects - by EvenemE - 24.06.2012, 23:38
Respuesta: Re: invisible objects - by [DOG]irinel1996 - 24.06.2012, 23:47
Re: invisible objects - by MP2 - 25.06.2012, 00:05
Re: Respuesta: Re: invisible objects - by EvenemE - 25.06.2012, 01:17
Re: invisible objects - by MP2 - 25.06.2012, 01:28
Re: invisible objects - by Grand_Micha - 25.06.2012, 06:44
Re: invisible objects - by Skaizo - 25.06.2012, 06:54

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