Never worked with timers so help me please

pawn Код:
// simply declare a global variable
new HasToWait[MAX_PLAYERS];
    - if HasToWait = 0 (Default) then a player/zombie can bite.
    - if HasToWait = 1 then a player/zombie can not bite.

new NearestPlayer = GetClosestPlayer(playerid);
if(newkeys & KEY_WALK)
    if(Player[playerid][Zombie] == 1)
        if(HasToWait[playerid] != 1)
            if(GetDistanceBetweenPlayers(NearestPlayer, playerid) < 4)
                if(Player[NearestPlayer][Infected] == 0)
                    Player[NearestPlayer][Infected] = 1;
                    HasToWait[playerid] = 1; // I'm not sure if this's the right place. If this is the part which the zombie bites someone then it's ok
                    SetTimerEx("ResetZombieStatus", 30000, false, "d", playerid);
                else if(Player[NearestPlayer][Infected] == 1)
                    Player[NearestPlayer][Zombie] = 1;
                    Player[NearestPlayer][Human] = 0;
                    Player[NearestPlayer][Infected] = 0;
            GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~You have to wait before another bite!", 3000, 3);
        GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~There is no one nearby!", 3500, 3);

forward ResetZombieStatus(playerid);

public ResetZombieStatus(playerid)
    HasToWait[playerid] = 0; // resetting it 0 so he can bite again
    return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Never worked with timers so help me please - by Stefand - 24.06.2012, 13:28
Re: Never worked with timers so help me please - by [KHK]Khalid - 24.06.2012, 15:01

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