[FilterScript] UFO, Driver. (More real)

[FS] U.F.O

Unidentified Flying Object

їWhat is it?
Simulates a UFO, driving for a JetPack (v1.0)
Simulates a UFO, driving for a Hydra (v2.0)

Simple, fast and comfortable (v1.0 & v2.0)
Pressing shoot, send a bomb that will explode a second later (v1.0)
Key "Y" activates the light, press again to change (v1.0 & v2.0)
Key "N" light off (v1.0 & v2.0)
To my knowledge there are no bugs (v1.0 & v2.0)

Video (v2.0)
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Fc7jhebaTY"]U.F.O 2.0[/ame]

Video (v1.0)
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8P5zx1G5f0k"]U.F.O 1.0[/ame]

SnickertS (Filterscript idea is, his imagination to do that shaped UFO xD)

SolidFiles (v1.0)
Pastebin (v2.0) [Too add the 1.0]

Messages In This Thread
UFO, Driver. (More real) UPDATED v2.0 - by adri1 - 22.06.2012, 22:11
Re: UFO, Driver. (More real) - by Memoryz - 22.06.2012, 22:15
Re: UFO, Driver. (More real) - by Infinity90 - 22.06.2012, 22:31
Re: UFO, Driver. (More real) - by sienal - 22.06.2012, 22:50
Re: UFO, Driver. (More real) - by [DOG]irinel1996 - 23.06.2012, 07:17
Re: UFO, Driver. (More real) - by john123xal - 23.06.2012, 09:17
Re: UFO, Driver. (More real) - by MP2 - 23.06.2012, 09:29
Re: UFO, Driver. (More real) - by Faisal_khan - 23.06.2012, 09:51
Re: UFO, Driver. (More real) - by adri1 - 23.06.2012, 11:03
Re: UFO, Driver. (More real) - by Madox123 - 23.06.2012, 12:16

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