21.06.2012, 12:04
Последний раз редактировалось waksai; 21.06.2012 в 12:37.
connorlolz , thank you so much
+ i found some bugs i think
when i spawncar to put some cars on the map , and after the /savecar /savecar twice
if i restar the server (/gmx) all things gone , 0
and money dont change (i died so i get -1000 to hospital) but nothing change in my money balance
+ i found some bugs i think
when i spawncar to put some cars on the map , and after the /savecar /savecar twice
if i restar the server (/gmx) all things gone , 0

and money dont change (i died so i get -1000 to hospital) but nothing change in my money balance