Originally Posted by SuperViper
pawn Код:
InitializeCountdown(playerid) { new string[128], playersName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, playersName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); format(string, sizeof(string), "Countdown started by (%d) %s", playerid, playersName); SendClientMessageToAll(-1, string); SendClientMessageToAll(-1, "3"); SetTimer("Countdown_Two", 1000, 0); SetTimer("Countdown_One", 2000, 0); SetTimer("Countdown_Go", 3000, 0); }
forward Countdown_Two(); public Countdown_Two() { return SendClientMessageToAll(-1, "2"); }
forward Countdown_One(); public Countdown_One() { return SendClientMessageToAll(-1, "1"); }
forward Countdown_Go(); public Countdown_Go() { return SendClientMessageToAll(-1, "Go!"); }
To start it, put InitializeCountdown(playerid) somewhere in a command or something.
so wat is that command for counting