[FilterScript] [FS]Z_AdminIsland - Admin Island + defence system by [ZFM]Zuc

..:: Z_AdminIsland v1.0 ::..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0SLxk_PRBo]>> VIDEO <<[/ame]

This filterscript contains an admin Island with a protection system.
The road which takes to the Island starts from LS beach near the Stadium.
there is a gate which opens only if you're admin or if the Protection system
is set as "no defence". then there is a Highway toll with 2 automatic bars.
then you can get into the island.

>>> Protection System:
0) No defence: the system doesn't protect the island from no-admins
1) Auto-Kill: the system kills every player who tryes to get into the island
2) Straight Missles: on the island there is a SAM platform which throws missle like RPG
3) Advanced Missles: The SAM Platform throws a missle which follows and kills the enemy! (like Rocket Launcher)

the defut defence mode is "1", which means "Auto-Kill".
Use command /defence to change defence mode!

P.S: if you want to be admin in server you have to login with command /rcon login [password]

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