Just a question

Hey, I'm wondering how to make a SEPERATE log to serverlog.txt to store my LOGINS and LOGOUTS of users.

Currently, I can only make a log of people logging in via When they login they get a message. Here's my welcome message:

pawn Код:
format(string, sizeof(string), "SERVER: {FFFFFF}Welcome, {FF6347}%s{FFFFFF}. (Your last successful login was from %s)", RPN(playerid), PlayerInfo[playerid][pIP]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, string);
    Log("logs/joins.log", string);
RPN = Roleplay name ( As my server has Roleplay accounts and then Admin accounts)

But when I try to add the (log"logs/joins.log", string); to OnPlayerDisconnect, it says string is undefined, and I can't figure out how to define it, I did add
pawn Код:
but it didn't work.

Any ideas on how to do this? so it logs when people logs in and out (Prefably with username and admin level)

Messages In This Thread
Just a question - by A7X_CEEJAY - 17.06.2012, 13:11
Re: Just a question - by milanosie - 17.06.2012, 13:15
Re: Just a question - by A7X_CEEJAY - 17.06.2012, 14:10
Re: Just a question - by milanosie - 17.06.2012, 14:12

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