[GameMode] Call of Duty Wetwork - [0.3e]

Originally Posted by kbalor
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Problem: You have entered an incorrect password. But i typed it correctly. i made another nickname and password with digits but still no work. i keeps saying You have entered an incorrect password. Type your password to login.

When i go to scriptfiles>users. when i open my nickname file its empty, but when i do open another existing file named Player. it has

[data] Password = 151716501
Cash = 0
Admin = 5
Kills = 0
Deaths = 1
Reported = 0
EXP = 0
Rank = 1
Warnings = 1
Kicks = 0
Muted = 0

What should I do?
The password that you used for registering is the password you should use when logging in.
As I've tried the script too, it says some different numbers in the "Users File" than the password you actaully put in.
So just use the password that you used for registering.

Messages In This Thread
Call of Duty 4 - [WETWORK] - by Blunt - 16.06.2012, 18:46
Re: Call of Duty Wetwork - [0.3e] - by Kar - 16.06.2012, 18:57
Re: Call of Duty Wetwork - [0.3e] - by Elysian` - 16.06.2012, 19:02
Re: Call of Duty Wetwork - [0.3e] - by Madox123 - 16.06.2012, 20:00
Re: Call of Duty Wetwork - [0.3e] - by Djole1337 - 16.06.2012, 20:02
Re: Call of Duty Wetwork - [0.3e] - by Blunt - 16.06.2012, 20:22
Respuesta: Call of Duty Wetwork - [0.3e] - by kbalor - 17.06.2012, 03:47
Re: Respuesta: Call of Duty Wetwork - [0.3e] - by .Wicked - 17.06.2012, 08:19
Re: Respuesta: Call of Duty Wetwork - [0.3e] - by Blunt - 17.06.2012, 08:54
Respuesta: Re: Respuesta: Call of Duty Wetwork - [0.3e] - by kbalor - 17.06.2012, 13:40

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