[Tutorial] How to salt passwords

Originally Posted by Extremo
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I disagree. Especially looking at those servers out there who store the e-mail address of the user. Since most people are unaware of any security related issues that come with installing a mysql database for example it is very simplistic to inject their server and retrieve information such as passwords and emails. One out of a hundred users will likely be using the same password of the e-mail. Now with the e-mail itself I can check if that user has registered any kind of service other then sa-mp with that particular email. Now I might find valueable accounts such as Steam which are not a rare occassion in the scene.

I believe you underestimate the data that sa-mp servers collect.


Keep in mind that socialising is also a part of hacking. It is not too hard to find out one's MSN or such and from there on you can find their password through an injection - log on their MSN - scam someone important on their list - oh dear possibilities are endless I believe.


tldr: You can never be save enough I believe.
Most servers I've played or scripted for only collect passwords and usernames, and IP addresses, the rest is irrelevant SA-MP information. They may collect emails in another database, i.e. forums, but most forums salt passwords too.

Yes, there are MySQL vulnerabilities, but I think you're vastly exaggerating how significant they are and especially injection - there are cases when people forget to protect against it, but I've only seen maybe 1-3 servers that are vulnerable.

Plus, I think you're forgetting how many people who are actually somewhat security-concious and use a unique password for every server/service they use.

Messages In This Thread
How to salt passwords - by Giovanni - 13.06.2012, 12:25
Re: How to salt passwords - by Jonny5 - 13.06.2012, 12:37
Re: How to salt passwords - by Niko_boy - 14.06.2012, 08:02
Re: How to salt passwords - by Infinity - 14.06.2012, 08:24
AW: How to salt passwords - by Extremo - 14.06.2012, 09:05
Re: How to salt passwords - by Calgon - 14.06.2012, 09:08
AW: Re: How to salt passwords - by Extremo - 14.06.2012, 09:21
Re: AW: Re: How to salt passwords - by Calgon - 14.06.2012, 09:57
AW: Re: AW: Re: How to salt passwords - by Extremo - 14.06.2012, 11:27
Re: How to salt passwords - by iggy1 - 14.06.2012, 12:06

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