Loading Problem.

Well, I didn't read your code and I don't know about djson.
But basically what's happening is it's not finding out if you've done the test or not.

You know how at the top of your script it says phealth?
Well what's it doing there is saving your player's health.

I don't know why it's saving it, perhaps to set it to that upon your next login.

But, anyway, there should be something like that but it'll be newplayer or test or something...
And when you pass the test, it should save that newplayer or test or whatever the name is to 1.
Then when you login, it'll read your file and if newplayer/test/whatever =1 it won't show the test.
If it reads your file and newplayer/test/whatever = 0 it will show the test.

Just read through your script, and check the scriptfiles.

You'll find it and figure out how to fix it in no time.

Messages In This Thread
Loading Problem. - by tiernantheman - 13.06.2012, 23:30
Respuesta: Loading Problem. - by CidadeNovaRP - 13.06.2012, 23:35
Re: Respuesta: Loading Problem. - by tiernantheman - 13.06.2012, 23:37
Re: Loading Problem. - by Unfriendly - 13.06.2012, 23:44
Respuesta: Re: Respuesta: Loading Problem. - by CidadeNovaRP - 13.06.2012, 23:46
Re: Loading Problem. - by JhnzRep - 14.06.2012, 00:33
Re: Loading Problem. - by ViruZz - 14.06.2012, 01:02
Re: Loading Problem. - by ReneG - 14.06.2012, 01:31

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