Payday system

Just set a timer as soon as the player logged in to his/her account like following:
pawn Код:
PaydayTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("OnPlayerPayday", 60 * 1000, true, "d", playerid);
Look for 'SetTimerEx' on the wiki if you are unsure about it. Then just create the public OnPlayerPayday and do everything what is needed there. Note that this public is called every minute ( 60 000 milliseconds = 60 seconds).

I will not script a PayDay system for you, nobody will I think. You are supposed to ask here when you get stuck or anything, but not request scripts. Look at existing Roleplay Gamemodes and see how this was solved there or just try it with something easier than a Roleplay script.

Messages In This Thread
Payday system - by -[R]hysi- - 13.06.2012, 17:25
AW: Payday system - by Giovanni - 13.06.2012, 18:27

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