install gamemode help

can somebudy help me to install my game mode
i have my accesse to the ftp account
and i have the game mode fiels so i want to some budy explane after i upload the script
how i edit the server.cfg with the amx
est ce que il y a quelqu' un qui peut m aider pour installer mon script
j ai l accйs a mon compt ft et j ai le script
donc je veut comment modifier le fichier server.cfg

Messages In This Thread
install gamemode help - by S@DOking - 12.06.2012, 22:19
Re: install gamemode help - by WillyP - 12.06.2012, 22:30
Re : install gamemode help - by S@DOking - 13.06.2012, 00:20
Re: install gamemode help - by Yuryfury - 13.06.2012, 02:48

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