[Tutorial] How pawno Works

Shortcuts + What is pawno

What is pawno , Including The basic's of pawno

Pawno is most probably the most common editor around. It's a very basic editor, which offers exactly what most people need. Features like syntax highlighting, basic run-options and a bar which shows the included functions make pawno the perfect editor for people that create small gamemodes or filterscripts, and people that just want to edit some little things in an existing gamemode,

Good Things u shouldt Know about Pawno

It's compact in size, low memory use.
Perfect for smaller scripts.
Function-list next to your script.
Packed with the SA-MP Windows Server.

Bad Things About pawno U shouldt know
it's unclearly for big scripts, hard to find specific things.
The editor is very basic.
You have to have an Administrator account on Windows Vista for it to run

Shortcuts For pawno

CTRL + Z = Undo
CTRL + X = Cut
CTRL + C = Copy
CTRL + V = Paste
CTRL + A = Selects all
CTRL + G = Search a line number
CTRL + H = Replace
CTRL + M / ENTER = Creates a new line
F5 = Compile
Delete = Deletes the selected path
CTRL + Space = While writing any function, it gives you options to correct/resemble them.
CTRL + SHIFT + [1-9] = Saves a line.
CTRL + [1-9] = Teleports to the saved line.
CTRL + S = Save
CTRL + F = Search words and numbers
CTRL + Y = Delete a line
CTRL + N = Closes all the current opened docs and opens a new one.
CTRL + O = Create/Open another document
TAB = Increases the indentation
SHIFT + TAB = Works as an antonym for TAB
CTRL + Left/Right (Also ><) = Helps in using special characters

Pawno Is included With The samp Windows/Linux Servers Download : http://sa-mp.com/download.php

This Toturial Was made by Kepa333 > Don_Rodriquez And Spookie

Messages In This Thread
Toturial: Shortcuts For Pawno , +What is pawno - by kepa333 - 12.06.2012, 17:30
Re: How pawno Works - by rVar - 12.06.2012, 21:55
Re: How pawno Works - by Mike_Peterson - 12.06.2012, 22:07
Re: How pawno Works - by milanosie - 12.06.2012, 22:13
Re: How pawno Works - by kepa333 - 13.06.2012, 00:11
Re: How pawno Works - by Kindred - 13.06.2012, 00:19
Re: How pawno Works - by kepa333 - 14.06.2012, 01:05
Re: How pawno Works - by ReneG - 14.06.2012, 01:11

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