Players Right

Like we all know, In many server Players get abused by admin. I Saw most of people getting Mad because of getting Ban/Kick Abuse by admins. There should be a Group for Players Rights and should be some member in that group who will Fight for their Rights whenever they see it happening. And if the admin/owner disagree from us Then we can't report the server here. This can help people too much because Many admins got attitude as you all know.

Please Vote your Decision Yes / No
Thank you,

Messages In This Thread
Players Right - by Ankit - 12.06.2012, 09:30
Re: Players Right - by [MM]IKKE - 12.06.2012, 09:32
Re: Players Right - by Ankit - 12.06.2012, 09:41
Re: Players Right - by Mark™ - 12.06.2012, 09:56
Re: Players Right - by MP2 - 12.06.2012, 10:05
Re: Players Right - by Danny - 12.06.2012, 10:09
Re: Players Right - by Vince - 12.06.2012, 10:27
Re: Players Right - by [MM]IKKE - 12.06.2012, 10:52
Re: Players Right - by Supercop - 12.06.2012, 13:31
Re: Players Right - by milanosie - 12.06.2012, 15:37

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