If you kill someone killerid turns into other team?

The else here has no logic i think.. The first if doesn't return, so they should execute both, even without the else.

My code should go like: If the killer is zombie and killed zombie, do this, if he is zombie and killed human, do this, because than if he wants to add more stuff, the else will stop it.

Messages In This Thread
If you kill someone killerid turns into other team? - by sanrock - 09.06.2012, 19:33
Re: If you kill someone killerid turns into other team? - by ricardo178 - 09.06.2012, 19:38
Re: If you kill someone killerid turns into other team? - by sanrock - 09.06.2012, 19:40
Re: If you kill someone killerid turns into other team? - by ricardo178 - 09.06.2012, 19:48
Re: If you kill someone killerid turns into other team? - by [ABK]Antonio - 09.06.2012, 19:49
Re: If you kill someone killerid turns into other team? - by sanrock - 09.06.2012, 19:50
Re : Re: If you kill someone killerid turns into other team? - by ricardo178 - 09.06.2012, 19:56
Re: If you kill someone killerid turns into other team? - by Dubya - 09.06.2012, 19:59
Re: If you kill someone killerid turns into other team? - by sanrock - 09.06.2012, 20:00
Re : Re: If you kill someone killerid turns into other team? - by ricardo178 - 09.06.2012, 20:01
Re: If you kill someone killerid turns into other team? - by sanrock - 09.06.2012, 20:08
Re: If you kill someone killerid turns into other team? - by [ABK]Antonio - 09.06.2012, 20:15
Re: If you kill someone killerid turns into other team? - by sanrock - 09.06.2012, 20:22
Re : If you kill someone killerid turns into other team? - by ricardo178 - 09.06.2012, 20:23
Re: If you kill someone killerid turns into other team? - by milanosie - 09.06.2012, 20:26
Re: Re : If you kill someone killerid turns into other team? - by sanrock - 09.06.2012, 20:28
Re: If you kill someone killerid turns into other team? - by kikito - 09.06.2012, 20:33
Re : If you kill someone killerid turns into other team? - by ricardo178 - 09.06.2012, 20:36
Re: If you kill someone killerid turns into other team? - by sanrock - 09.06.2012, 20:41
Re : If you kill someone killerid turns into other team? - by ricardo178 - 09.06.2012, 20:45

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