Official Trailer + System Requirements: Need For Speed Most Wanted II [...]

Need for Speed™ Most Wanted II
Video URL: http://*********/0-Imb_hTVmw

Minimum System Requirements:
Video Card [NVIDIA]: 512 MB RAM NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT or better.
Video Card [AMD]: 512 MB RAM ATI Radeon 3850 or better.
Processor (CPU): 2.6 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or equivalent AMD
Memory RAM: 2 GB
Hard Disk (HDD): 15 GB

Recommended system requirements:
Video Card [NVIDIA]: 1042 MB RAM NVIDIA GeForce GTX560
Video Card [AMD]: 1042 MB RAM ATI Radeon 6950
Procesor (CPU): 3.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or equivalent AMD
Memory RAM: 3 GB
Hard Disk (HDD): 18 GB

Source: Need for Speed Official Site

Even I was surprised when I saw the trailer for NFS MW II xD. I thought it was fake:]], after I saw them even true. The MW is the coolest series of all series of NFS!!!

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