Question - Custom IMGs

I started to do this and I can see why you want to do it however I have found there are some problems with this, the IPLs being named SF etc for starters gets confusing Infact I have fucked it up twice. I have recontructed some of the map BUT I have had to keep track of everything on a not pad and I have uploaded scans of my notes to my website so I dont lose them. Its practicaly mapping out the whole citys over again and it gets fraustrating yeah there are some good points the interiors from Vice City and Liberty City which were not included can be moved over I have even moved some models from IV and kep some of SA well you have to keep a lot of SA for it to run but if you do decide to do it I am warning you now, it is awfully hard to keep track of everytime you add somthing you may relise the whole map should be up 3.0 on the z co-ord or somthing stupid so I have placed the citys in arrays and I can do CreateDynamicObject(id, array x, array y, array z +3); that what I reccomend you do if you do it. I also recomend making your differnt from united in the fact that you have 2 squares of open water I reccomnd putting them lets say side by side but after rotating them 90 degrees either way. I also think yo shoud change the handling files and I hate to dissapoint you but you even need to keep texture names the same so you have to open a stupid set of files and rename everything inside in mine I was planning on adding a Ferry Model like a car ferry as the bridges in United seem well unrealistic and could be improved. You are also going to want this to run with MTA if its a stunt server, I dont know why but mine well it doesn't which I have to look into infact I give up on mine its that much of a hassle.

Messages In This Thread
Question - Custom IMGs - by SpankMe2 - 09.06.2012, 14:42
Re: Question - Custom IMGs - by IceCube! - 09.06.2012, 15:36

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