What can cause lags in server?

Your script needs to be more efficient with optomizations.

I recommend you to read the following tutorial made by ***** it might help you making your code even better then the previous laggy script.


Hope this helps a bit

Messages In This Thread
What can cause lags in server? - by markuss99 - 08.06.2012, 11:46
Re: What can cause lags in server? - by ricardo178 - 08.06.2012, 11:50
Re: What can cause lags in server? - by FalconX - 08.06.2012, 11:52
Re: What can cause lags in server? - by markuss99 - 08.06.2012, 11:55
Re: What can cause lags in server? - by FalconX - 08.06.2012, 11:59
Re: What can cause lags in server? - by markuss99 - 08.06.2012, 12:06
Re: What can cause lags in server? - by Vince - 08.06.2012, 12:10
Re: What can cause lags in server? - by markuss99 - 08.06.2012, 15:32
Re: What can cause lags in server? - by iggy1 - 08.06.2012, 15:39
Re: What can cause lags in server? - by markuss99 - 08.06.2012, 16:00

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