[HELP] Problem SetTimer

Hello, I have a serious problem.
My game has 5 OnGameModeInit timer started, but have no function to kill them, but some of them with a certain amount of time online server end up dying alone without function to kills them, what can it be? How can I find a way not to kill the timer started by OnGameModeInit.
I'm 2 weeks trying to solve this problem and so far nothing if anyone knows a way to do away with this I will be thankful.

Messages In This Thread
[HELP] Problem SetTimer - by [NWD]Jim._.Carrey - 07.06.2012, 17:59
Respuesta: [HELP] Problem SetTimer - by [NWD]Jim._.Carrey - 07.06.2012, 23:35
Re: [HELP] Problem SetTimer - by Littlehelper - 07.06.2012, 23:40
Respuesta: [HELP] Problem SetTimer - by [NWD]Jim._.Carrey - 07.06.2012, 23:44
Re: [HELP] Problem SetTimer - by mati233 - 07.06.2012, 23:53
Respuesta: [HELP] Problem SetTimer - by [NWD]Jim._.Carrey - 08.06.2012, 02:38

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