Rotated doors?

are these doors attached to a moving object ? or close to another moving objects?

Messages In This Thread
Rotated doors? + reputation - by davve95 - 06.06.2012, 19:14
Re: Rotated doors? - by davve95 - 07.06.2012, 08:08
Re: Rotated doors? - by AMEENAMEEN - 07.06.2012, 11:07
Re: Rotated doors? - by davve95 - 07.06.2012, 12:36
Re: Rotated doors? - by alpha500delta - 07.06.2012, 12:37
Re: Rotated doors? - by davve95 - 07.06.2012, 12:39
Re: Rotated doors? - by Ray0 - 07.06.2012, 12:43

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