Does Defining MAX_PLAYERS low lag?

I don't know if it's still the case but one reason for the lag could be that you do things with not connected players. I did that mistake once, don't remember exactly what I did but I forgot to check if the player is connected which made my server lag heavily. Not sure if that's the case anymore though. Just a suggestion.

I have my doubts that your couple commands and your timers would really lag your server that much. Maybe you have a while loop that lasts for a pretty long while? Or even a for loop?

Just ideas though.

EDIT: I just realized you have three timers supposely working on the same milisecond. I think you should have a look at YSI from ****** and a deeper look at y_iterate. Since all of these timers execute on the same milisecond I can actually imagine the collision of these causing the server to hang for a moment awaiting for all three functions to finish. I don't know if this lag would be significant I am afraid but it could be a cause.

EDIT2: Infact, lets just test it? Try and add about a 100 miliseconds to one of the timers and remove a 100 miliseconds from another. So that none of the timers are on the same milisecond. 100 is probably a little much but its worth it to be sure. See if it lags or if it has stopped, if it did stop then you should have a look at y_iterate.

Messages In This Thread
Does Defining MAX_PLAYERS low lag? - by ricardo178 - 06.06.2012, 15:41
AW: Does Defining MAX_PLAYERS low lag? - by Extremo - 06.06.2012, 15:45
Re: Does Defining MAX_PLAYERS low lag? - by ricardo178 - 06.06.2012, 15:47
AW: Does Defining MAX_PLAYERS low lag? - by Extremo - 06.06.2012, 15:49
Re: Does Defining MAX_PLAYERS low lag? - by MadeMan - 06.06.2012, 15:53
Re: Does Defining MAX_PLAYERS low lag? - by ricardo178 - 06.06.2012, 16:12
AW: Does Defining MAX_PLAYERS low lag? - by Extremo - 06.06.2012, 16:16
Re: Does Defining MAX_PLAYERS low lag? - by ricardo178 - 06.06.2012, 16:21
Re: Does Defining MAX_PLAYERS low lag? - by milanosie - 06.06.2012, 16:40
Re: Does Defining MAX_PLAYERS low lag? - by Jonny5 - 06.06.2012, 16:44

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