Little Help will be nice :D

Hai out there, i am going to release a gamemode but, i have added the cmds Ofcurse but

i dont know how i shall add the cmds

There are the cmds i want to add in a dialog, but i want to add a nextpage and a Go back page ex, if you were on page 5 then you will go to page 4 etc, and i need help with that

Here is the CMDS...


/register /login /i /information /explode /respawn /vehicle /mute /unmute /kick\n /jail /bail /ar /arrest /newlife /announce /slap /giveweapon /repairvehicle /bring\n /goto /pm
/privatemessage /reply /r /nopm /campos /inv /inventory /bankrob \n /gc /givecash /agivecash /casinorob /loc /location /admins /bk /backup /admins\n /pu /report /rp /br /bribe
/accept /refuse /rob /rape /ban\n /godmode /spec /sethealth /setvehiclehealth /setlevel /admcmds
/hit /cancelhit /wave /deposit /withdraw /antihack /givedonator /ticket /tk /vehcolor /vehplate /fart /cage /admininsult /removefv /placeiv /destroyvehicle /weapons /refill /prices /drugs /w /whisper
/cw /carwhisper /me /ej /ejectme /ejm /eject /complain /gd /givedrugs /warn /fine /escape /radio /rank /cell /transfer /freeze /unfreeze /medic /plant /fertilize /harvest /holdup /takedrugs /td
/mission /north /east /south /west /mw /mostwanted /createhouse /ahousecar /ahouseexit /housecar /sethousename /sethousepass /sellhouse /setadmin /mr /donut /payticket /pay /groupcreate /grleave
/groupleave /gm /groupmessage /grinvite /groupinvite /grjoin /groupjoin /grkick /groupkick /grleader /groupleader /answer /taxi /taxifare /hits /crimes /lotto /expose /fish /fishinv /fishinventory
/fsellall /fishrel /fishrelease /bug /tb /throwback /adminvehicle /pinfo /rules /credits /givehousekeys /removehousekeys /housesystem /commandsystem /enter /kidnap /release /ransom /startrace /commands
/gcommands (And There might be a lot of more CMDS, This was only 200 cmds like, Some of them are admin cmds)

Hope you got an nice idea

Regards CrazyChoco/Rayner

Messages In This Thread
Little Help will be nice :D - by CrazyChoco - 04.06.2012, 19:08
Re: Little Help will be nice :D - by Kajinth - 04.06.2012, 19:21
Re: Little Help will be nice :D - by RoBMoB - 04.06.2012, 19:28
Re: Little Help will be nice :D - by CrazyChoco - 04.06.2012, 21:05
Re: Little Help will be nice :D - by Sandiel - 04.06.2012, 21:29
Re: Little Help will be nice :D - by CrazyChoco - 04.06.2012, 22:28

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