[GameMode] zTDM [0.1] [Beta]

zTDM 0.1 Beta


Well... It all started when I came up with an idea , so I created this gamemode, but it is basic and recommended for those who want to create a TDM gamemode or just want to get some inspiration

v0.1 - Initial Release


Integrated Basic Admin System
My gamemode has got an Integrated Basic Admin System (We'll call it IBAS), it has some simple and essential commands , IBAS has the following features:

8 Admin Levels:
1 - Trial Admin
2 - Regular Admin
3 - Super Admin
4 - Lead Admin
5 - Super Lead Admin
6 - Head Admin
7 - Co-Owner
8 - Owner

3 VIP Levels:
1 - Simple VIP
2 - Regular VIP
3 - Super VIP

Admin Commands:
/makeadmin - Set the admin level of a player
/makevip - Set the VIP level of a player
/kick - Kick a player
/ban - Ban a player
/setmoney - Set the money of a player
/admins - List the online admins
/vips - List the online VIPs

Teams & Gangs System
My gamemode has got 3 gangs/teams , they are as it follows:
1 - Grove
2 - Ballas
3 - Police

Gang Commands:
/gc - Gang chat for gangs (Not for Grove chatting with Ballas or vice versa)
/[r]adio - Police radio , for chatting between police officers
/spikestrip - Place a spikestrip (Only for police officers)
/removespikestrip - Remove a spikestrip (The closest to you) (Only for police officers)
/policehelp - Show help about a police officer's duty

Additional Commands
/shop - Open the shop (Weapons and Vehicles for VIPs)

3 Police Pursuit Vehicles , their sirens can be turned ON/OFF by pressing the horn key, which is usually H (EvaC is a tester and we tested my gamemode on his server):

Some mapping done by sc0rpion30:

Jail cells done by sc0rpion30:

The shops accessed by /shop command:

Known Bugs
(Please report any bugs you have found)

zombieking - Scripter , creator of the gamemode
sc0rpion30 - Mapper of the gamemode
Slick - For creating SII
FreshKilla - For creating SpikeStrips include

SolidFiles: http://www.solidfiles.com/d/9f693f5f5e/

To edit this gamemode you will need:
-SII.inc (SII Include , can be found here: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=58458)
-SpikeStrip.inc (Spikestrips include , can be found here: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.ph...ht=spike+strip)

Keep in mind that I made this gamemode for the beginners , who want to start a project and need a good start. So please keep the hate comments for yourself.

Messages In This Thread
zTDM [0.1] [Beta] - by zombieking - 04.06.2012, 18:33
Re: zTDM [0.1] [Beta] - by Infinity90 - 04.06.2012, 18:49
Re: zTDM [0.1] [Beta] - by zombieking - 04.06.2012, 18:50
Re: zTDM [0.1] [Beta] - by Aloushi - 04.06.2012, 20:13
Re: zTDM [0.1] [Beta] - by zombieking - 05.06.2012, 19:07
Re: zTDM [0.1] [Beta] - by Kathleen - 05.06.2012, 19:52
Re: zTDM [0.1] [Beta] - by $$inSane - 07.06.2012, 06:55
Re: zTDM [0.1] [Beta] - by SampLoverNo123 - 07.06.2012, 07:02
Re: zTDM [0.1] [Beta] - by pasha97 - 07.06.2012, 08:00
Re: zTDM [0.1] [Beta] - by [FSaF]Jarno - 07.06.2012, 08:29
Re: zTDM [0.1] [Beta] - by djcabo - 07.06.2012, 09:06
Re: zTDM [0.1] [Beta] - by zombieking - 07.06.2012, 10:23
Re: zTDM [0.1] [Beta] - by xxSwissxx - 15.03.2013, 09:33
Re: zTDM [0.1] [Beta] - by _J0ykiLl3r_ - 15.03.2013, 09:35
Re: zTDM [0.1] [Beta] - by FiReMaNStone - 15.03.2013, 10:12
Re: zTDM [0.1] [Beta] - by Xoomer - 15.03.2013, 11:10
Re: zTDM [0.1] [Beta] - by marsmubarak - 15.03.2013, 20:01
Re: zTDM [0.1] [Beta] - by DarkMastez2464 - 15.03.2013, 20:13

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