[FilterScript] Mycolorsystem [ColorLine]

Mycolor System by Homie_MH

Hello Peoples.
I have maked a good FilterScript. I mean it's very important.
I think that it need's everyone. How the name say's, it is an mycolorsystem.
So, I come to the function and a picture.

The system is now in English and German. The download link is updated now

Command is /mycolor and it will open a Dialog [DIALOG_STYLE_LIST]
The entire system is kept free (In Game)
that is, selecting a color is free. I wanted to mention this only
because I have also seen that some colors in certain monetary cost servers.
So in-game. : D

Now I come to the picture. So it looks like this:

The system has 15 colors. I just count on.
- Red
- Dark Red
- Yellow
- Dark yellow
- Green
- Dark Green
- Blue
- Dark Blue
- Black
- White
- Purple
- Pink
- Orange
- Turquoise
- Gray

You must edit it to, but I beg of credits from splashing around me leave.
Would be really nice of you.

Download: http://www.file-upload.net/download-...ystem.rar.html

Sorry for my bad english. I'am not so good at English. I hope you know what I mean.

Messages In This Thread
Mycolorsystem [ColorLine] - by Homie_MH - 03.06.2012, 11:28
Re: Mycolorsystem [ColorLine] - by Jochemd - 03.06.2012, 11:35
AW: Mycolorsystem [ColorLine] - by Homie_MH - 03.06.2012, 11:42
Re: Mycolorsystem [ColorLine] - by RedWingz - 03.06.2012, 12:16
Re: Mycolorsystem [ColorLine] - by pasha97 - 03.06.2012, 12:27
Re: Mycolorsystem [ColorLine] - by Kathleen - 03.06.2012, 12:50
AW: Mycolorsystem [ColorLine] - by Homie_MH - 03.06.2012, 19:43
AW: Mycolorsystem [ColorLine] - by Homie_MH - 04.06.2012, 13:57
Re: Mycolorsystem [ColorLine] - by iProdigy - 04.06.2012, 14:18
AW: Mycolorsystem [ColorLine] - by Homie_MH - 04.06.2012, 14:43

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