Ayuda con run time error 19

Hola en mi laptop el servidor samp me corre perfectamente, pero al copiarlo a una pc con Windows Server 2008 me la el run time error 19 de la siguiente manera y no me reconoce los plugins.

Obviamente estan los plugins en su carpeta, en server.cfg los llamo correctamente tambien esta bien configurado por que en la laptop funciona bien pero al copiarlo me tira este error y con un incude logre ver los errores que hay

[10:04:29] Server Plugins
[10:04:29] --------------
[10:04:29] Loading plugin: xStreamer
[10:04:29] Failed.
[10:04:29] Loading plugin: Whirlpool
[10:04:29] ==================
[10:04:29] Whirlpool loaded
[10:04:29] ==================
[10:04:29] Loaded.
[10:04:29] Loading plugin: streamer
[10:04:29] Failed.
[10:04:29] Loading plugin: audio
[10:04:29] Failed.
[10:04:29] Loaded 1 plugins.

[10:39:13] Ban list
[10:39:13] --------
[10:39:13] Loaded: samp.ban
[10:39:13] Bots Security Script v1.0B loaded
[10:39:13] Loading filterscript '[30/01/12.amx'...
[10:39:13] Unable to load filterscript '.amx'.
[10:39:13] Loaded 9 filterscripts.

[10:39:13] Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_CallbackHook'
[10:39:13] Error: Function not registered: 'Audio_CreateTCPServer'
[10:39:13] Error: Function not registered: 'Audio_AddPlayer'
[10:39:13] Error: Function not registered: 'Audio_RemovePlayer'
[10:39:13] Error: Function not registered: 'Audio_RenamePlayer'
[10:39:13] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicObject'
[10:39:13] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateStreamedObject'
[10:39:13] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyStreamedObject'
[10:39:13] foreach called
[10:39:13] Script[gamemodes/alexa.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[10:39:13] Number of vehicle models: 0

Alguien me puede ayudar ?

Messages In This Thread
Ayuda con run time error 19 - by Manuel_Franco - 02.06.2012, 15:53
Respuesta: Ayuda con run time error 19 - by Dx2 - 02.06.2012, 21:50
Re: Ayuda con run time error 19 - by Manuel_Franco - 02.06.2012, 21:56

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