Looking for a simple mod

Hey guys,

Not sure if this is in the right section but here goes.
Few days ago me and a friend bought a SA-MP server on Volt Host. We did it for for a bita fun, got boring running around with just a pistol and no way of buying a house or saving our data, so we decided to try and get some Mods.
Alas, we have no idea how to go about getting mods on our Volt-Host server and we are wondering does anyone know how to get Mods going on a VOLT server?

Or can anyone LINK us a simple Mod with just (random guns+houseing and cars) stuff like that or a tutorial telling us how to put the mods on?
Iv seen a few threads asking something simular but they dont get much detail in the responses of how going about this.. Any help would be greatly aprecciated.

Im a noob, a really big noob.. so go easy


P.S, Move to the right section if its in the wrong one

Messages In This Thread
Looking for a simple mod - by Akarinn - 31.05.2012, 15:44
Re: Looking for a simple mod - by MadeMan - 31.05.2012, 15:46
Re: Looking for a simple mod - by -CaRRoT - 31.05.2012, 15:48
Re: Looking for a simple mod - by Akarinn - 31.05.2012, 15:50
Re: Looking for a simple mod - by MadeMan - 31.05.2012, 15:53
Re: Looking for a simple mod - by -CaRRoT - 31.05.2012, 15:55

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