31.05.2012, 14:24
That makes my server crashing, I already tried that.
Mysql error log:
Mysql error log:
[Thu May 31 16:31:33 2012] ------------------------- [Thu May 31 16:31:34 2012] Function: mysql_init executed with result: "0". [Thu May 31 16:31:34 2012] Connected (0) to 5436_transrp @ fr7.volt-host.com via TCP/IP. [Thu May 31 16:31:34 2012] MySQL Server Version 5.1.61. [Thu May 31 16:31:58 2012] Function: mysql_query executed: "SELECT Ip FROM `PlayerData` WHERE Name = 'Entertainment' LIMIT 1" with result: "0". [Thu May 31 16:31:58 2012] Function: mysql_store_result executed with result: "1" [Thu May 31 16:31:58 2012] Function: mysql_num_rows executed with result: "". [Thu May 31 16:31:58 2012] Function: mysql_fetch_row executed with result: "1270". [Thu May 31 16:31:58 2012] Function: mysql_free_result executed. [Thu May 31 16:32:01 2012] Function: mysql_real_esacpe_string executed: "youmaynotseethispassword" with result: "youmaynotseethispassword". [Thu May 31 16:32:01 2012] Function: mysql_query executed: "SELECT `Name` FROM PlayerData WHERE Name = 'Entertainment' AND Password = 'youmaynotseethispassword'" with result: "0". [Thu May 31 16:32:01 2012] Function: mysql_store_result executed with result: "1" [Thu May 31 16:32:01 2012] Function: mysql_num_rows executed with result: "". [Thu May 31 16:32:01 2012] Function: mysql_query executed: "SELECT * FROM PlayerData WHERE Name = 'Entertainment'" with result: "0". [Thu May 31 16:32:01 2012] Function: mysql_store_result executed with result: "1" [Thu May 31 16:32:01 2012] Function: mysql_fetch_row executed with result: "Entertainment|youmaynotseethispassword|6|NULL|0|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1270|0".