Originally Posted by VincentDunn
pawn Код:
format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `Vehicle` SET `x` = '%f', `y` = '%f', `z` = '%f', `model` = '%d', `color1` = '%d', `color2` = '%d', `angle` = '%f', `world` = '%d', `price` = '%d', `forsale` = '%d', `factionid` = '%d', `locked` = '%d', `owner_id` = '%d', `owned` = '%d' WHERE `id` = '%d'"
See what that query prints, there might be a tad of insufficient cells for the query.
When i lock a vehicle. It calls the SaveVehicle callback automatically. So i added the printf on SaveVehicle , and this is what i get now.
[11:43:26] [SAVE] Vehicle Locked = 1
[11:43:26] UPDATE `Vehicle` SET `locked` = '0', `x` = '1536.859008', `y` = '-1708.180175', `z` = '13.252328', `model` = '560', `color1` = '0', `color2` = '0', `angle` = '179.860809', `world` = '0', `price` = '1', `forsale` = '0', `factionid` = '-1', `owner_id` = '65', `owned` = '1' WHERE `id` = '1'
Vehicle Array was set to 1 but it didnt save as 1 , it saved as zero? Why?