[FilterScript] Easy-To-Handle Adminsystem by Logan Adams aka. McBastard112

Hi all,

before I go in about 3 hours for 2 weeks on vacation,
I thought you had me as long as it can be something.

There is an admin system that is completely controlled only through dialogue.
Does clicking on the player to be administrated in the tab bar and then U can kick,ban, heal, kill spectate, etc.
Furthermore, you can change usethe command /controlpanel to change the hostname, Mode, restart the server,
Stop the server, etc.

More in this Video:

What you need:

You need only the include OCMD: This is the "command type" I have used.

It may be that this script does not filter other is clear. Invite it is always best to first before your streamer,
because it myself when I was already using a streamer and the filter script.
You must be inside the © and the credits.
Furthermore, the re-release of this filter scripts forbidden and only with my permission to "allow".


Much fun


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