The Truth...

Originally Posted by DaRealShazz
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It is human nature.
Even the community of 1% fight against each other.
No seriously its just Immature not siding with one I will paragrpah this arguement.

Hacking is Illegal and you can see a court case comming on your ass, I havnt wrote about this yet and I will edit it later I'm not that clear on its punishment so I have to check.


Jon Paul Oson

Oson, a 38-year-old network engineer from San Diego, illegally hacked into his former employer’s network in a malicious revenge stunt.

The Council of Community Health Clinics (CCC) network at the time provided services to 17 regional health clinics in San Diego and the imperial counties of California - including medical records and test results. Once inside, Oson erased important patient data and billing information, potentially placing thousands of peoples’ lives in danger.

Oson was formally charged in 2008, receiving five years in prison and made to pay $144,358.83 to the CCC and $264,979.00 to the NCHS.

Okay so yours isint so harsh, meaning it may be lighter however a 16 year old boy..


Was jailed for 17 years due to hacking into a community, he said 'I hacked into the ommnity because I thought they stole my personal details'

Okay so he was retarded thinking a COMMUNITY stole his personal details which is slightly retarded but he still got 17 years, just think fellows 17 years! which will lead you to a load of fucking bullocks and prision rape!

Originally Posted by IceCube!
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Who cares if they are the 'largest' if NGG shut down forever tommorow their players would go else where either distributing players more evenly or to the 2nd best server, shutting down NGG would not afflict SAMP its self in any way. DDoSing is illegal correct it is illegal because you are interfering with access to and use of a network without the permission of the network's owner. DDoSing implys you are attacking a netwrok with your own or other peoples network as DDoS hosts. DDoSing if taken into the hands of any law inforement agency will resort into a fine or community service both are pritty shitty for either of these guys to do, If any of the attackers/victims wish to take this further they will be taking a ride down shit street with lawyers and possibly ristricted access to a computer
This I updated later with this,
Originally Posted by IceCube!
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True but its still an offence, it isnt on like a mass company that afflicts their business and only NGRP are a registerd company, them being the accused DDoSer's will be the ones who if they decided to take action would be afflicted harsher as they are a registerd company. They would have to pay the company fine for DDoSing which is extensively more than a private DDoSer would pay. The chancs of it being thrown out as it is done under a childish act would b 99.9%.

It turns out since the last time I read up on DDoSing it has changed.

All that shit I said about fines might be still possible, but DDoSers look at a jail sentance if they are within the United Kingdom now, (Yes I'm trying to scare DDoSers here. DDoSing is a serious act that before DDoSing you SHOULD take into consideration the effects on you and your family, if you are under the legal age of responceabilt you parents will take the 10 year prison sentacne, If your mums name is on the Bill she will go Vice Versa with your dad!.

EDIT: For you guys in the US I would like to scare you to!

Heres a diagram on How DDoSing works

Updated - Things like quotes I made to better arrange it are missing in the quotes I have refeerd to just click the arrow at the top to goto the original post.

NOTE: Unless I've done some shody googling BOTH are VERY serious offences and aren't taken lightly.

Messages In This Thread
The Truth... - by Guest9328472398472 - 25.05.2012, 10:06
Re: The Truth... - by Face9000 - 25.05.2012, 10:38
Re: The Truth... - by Guest9328472398472 - 25.05.2012, 10:39
Re: The Truth... - by Face9000 - 25.05.2012, 10:55
Re: The Truth... - by Guest9328472398472 - 25.05.2012, 11:04
Re: The Truth... - by Potassium - 25.05.2012, 11:07
Re: The Truth... - by Calgon - 25.05.2012, 11:32
Re: The Truth... - by IceCube! - 25.05.2012, 11:52
Re: The Truth... - by Calgon - 25.05.2012, 11:54
Re: The Truth... - by Potassium - 25.05.2012, 11:54
Re: The Truth... - by IceCube! - 25.05.2012, 11:58
Re: The Truth... - by Dripac - 25.05.2012, 11:58
Re: The Truth... - by IceCube! - 25.05.2012, 12:02
Re: The Truth... - by Calgon - 25.05.2012, 12:07
Re: The Truth... - by IceCube! - 25.05.2012, 12:18
Re: The Truth... - by Abbott - 25.05.2012, 12:22
Re: The Truth... - by IceCube! - 25.05.2012, 12:26
Re: The Truth... - by Derek_Westbrook - 25.05.2012, 12:37
Re: The Truth... - by Abbott - 25.05.2012, 12:40
Re: The Truth... - by Derek_Westbrook - 25.05.2012, 12:41
Re: The Truth... - by Dripac - 25.05.2012, 12:46
Re: The Truth... - by IceCube! - 25.05.2012, 12:48
Re: The Truth... - by ColorHost-Kevin - 25.05.2012, 13:45
Re: The Truth... - by Abbott - 25.05.2012, 13:48
Re: The Truth... - by ColorHost-Kevin - 25.05.2012, 13:50
Re: The Truth... - by Abbott - 25.05.2012, 13:59
Re: The Truth... - by Saurik - 25.05.2012, 16:48
Re: The Truth... - by Riddy - 25.05.2012, 16:50
Re: The Truth... - by Derek_Westbrook - 25.05.2012, 16:51
Re: The Truth... - by IceCube! - 25.05.2012, 16:52
Re: The Truth... - by WooTFTW - 25.05.2012, 16:59
Re: The Truth... - by IceCube! - 25.05.2012, 17:00
Re: The Truth... - by [MM]IKKE - 25.05.2012, 17:14
Re: The Truth... - by kikito - 25.05.2012, 17:17
Re: The Truth... - by IceCube! - 25.05.2012, 17:19
Re: The Truth... - by Calgon - 25.05.2012, 17:20
Re: The Truth... - by IceCube! - 25.05.2012, 17:22
Re: The Truth... - by kikito - 25.05.2012, 17:23
Re: The Truth... - by Calgon - 25.05.2012, 17:23
Re: The Truth... - by kikito - 25.05.2012, 17:25
Calgon - by IceCube! - 25.05.2012, 17:25
Re: The Truth... - by Damian - 25.05.2012, 17:56
Re: The Truth... - by Calgon - 25.05.2012, 18:00
Re: The Truth... - by IceCube! - 25.05.2012, 18:00
Re: The Truth... - by Scenario - 25.05.2012, 18:36
Re: The Truth... - by Damian - 25.05.2012, 18:49
Re: The Truth... - by IceCube! - 25.05.2012, 18:50
Re: The Truth... - by kikito - 25.05.2012, 18:53
Re: The Truth... - by Damian - 25.05.2012, 18:54
Re: The Truth... - by ViruZz - 25.05.2012, 19:02
Re: The Truth... - by Abbott - 25.05.2012, 19:06
Re: The Truth... - by IceCube! - 25.05.2012, 19:12
Re: The Truth... - by Abbott - 25.05.2012, 19:13
Re: The Truth... - by IceCube! - 25.05.2012, 19:17
Re: The Truth... - by Abbott - 25.05.2012, 19:21
Re: The Truth... - by IceCube! - 25.05.2012, 19:23
Re: The Truth... - by Smithy - 25.05.2012, 20:01
Re: The Truth... - by Guest9328472398472 - 25.05.2012, 20:34
Re: The Truth... - by milanosie - 25.05.2012, 21:14
Re: The Truth... - by kaisersouse - 25.05.2012, 21:18
Re: The Truth... - by Guest9328472398472 - 25.05.2012, 21:18
Re: The Truth... - by IceCube! - 25.05.2012, 21:19
Re: The Truth... - by milanosie - 25.05.2012, 21:21
Re: The Truth... - by Guest9328472398472 - 25.05.2012, 21:22
Re: The Truth... - by IceCube! - 25.05.2012, 21:23
Re: The Truth... - by milanosie - 25.05.2012, 21:24
Re: The Truth... - by IceCube! - 25.05.2012, 21:25
Re: The Truth... - by milanosie - 25.05.2012, 21:28
Re: The Truth... - by Hiddos - 25.05.2012, 21:29
Re: The Truth... - by Guest9328472398472 - 25.05.2012, 21:32
Re: The Truth... - by IceCube! - 25.05.2012, 21:33
Re: The Truth... - by milanosie - 25.05.2012, 21:35
Re: The Truth... - by IceCube! - 25.05.2012, 21:40
Re: The Truth... - by Guest9328472398472 - 25.05.2012, 21:42
Re: The Truth... - by IceCube! - 25.05.2012, 21:44
Re: The Truth... - by Riddy - 25.05.2012, 21:45
Re: The Truth... - by DaRealShazz - 25.05.2012, 21:56
Re: The Truth... - by Guest9328472398472 - 25.05.2012, 21:58
Re: The Truth... - by IceCube! - 25.05.2012, 22:00
Re: The Truth... - by NGGCordozar - 22.06.2012, 20:06
Re: The Truth... - by Calgon - 22.06.2012, 20:08
Re: The Truth... - by NGGCordozar - 22.06.2012, 20:35
Re: The Truth... - by Calgon - 22.06.2012, 21:48
Re: The Truth... - by Joe Staff - 22.06.2012, 22:19

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