Originally Posted by milanosie
Hmm, But I also know how it is to get blaimed for things you didn't do, and if that is the case it sucks to be ngrp.
Like people claiming that I send a ddos at their server, Like I know how to do that?
If they say that IG or on a public forum for your server, its usally a bid to steal players. Besides (D)DoSing is illegal.
Besides, Does SOMEONE from NGRP Management team has a samp forums account, to mix in the discussion?
I think they do but without them, this is turning the topic into a baised one as they aren't putting up a bid to defend them selfs which I personally would be raging on this thread if I was falsely accused, Considering the serverity of it. There is a jail sentance of upto 10 years or a fine / community service it goes into more detail in a earlyer post of mine.