25.05.2012, 21:33
I don't know?
Why would anyone else attack the samp forums to blame ngrp? Makes no sense either. I have really no idea |
There are things that don't make sense on both sides of the story and the vast amount of evidance seems surreal meaning that it looks fake because there is a mass quanity of it, In my opinion the email headers are a load of bullocks so I've already ruled that out of my argument due to the fact NGRP would have paid to create a fake email and not to use a 'fake' free provider.
Is it me or was something similar (if not the same) post here as well a few months ago, also including a server/community (Don't recall correctly, but I thought it was NGG/NG-RP as well) attacking other, smaller servers to prevent them from growing (and thus, making players switch server). Can anyone confirm?
Probably testing? Or they were just pissed off at SA:MP Staff (could be the owners, etc.) because they were removed from the Masterlist. They MOST LIKELY stopped to avoid getting shut down.
Note: Yes I am trolling this thread, juicey gossip