GTA SA:MP server status HTML?

Originally Posted by Harold
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Again, the only possible way as HTML does not directly link to databases such as SA:MP, only PHP can.
And asp
Yeah i know, php is most know than asp, since asp just work on windows(dedicated for it) and php works on all OS.

Messages In This Thread
GTA SA:MP server status HTML? - by Ariehh - 25.05.2012, 14:08
Re: GTA SA:MP server status HTML? - by Vince - 25.05.2012, 14:15
Re: GTA SA:MP server status HTML? - by SampLoverNo123 - 25.05.2012, 14:41
Re: GTA SA:MP server status HTML? - by kikito - 25.05.2012, 16:33
Re: GTA SA:MP server status HTML? - by Pizzy - 25.05.2012, 16:44
Re: GTA SA:MP server status HTML? - by Smithy - 25.05.2012, 20:11
Re: GTA SA:MP server status HTML? - by kikito - 25.05.2012, 20:16

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