25.05.2012, 16:52
Yes. DDoSing only proves that you are insecure about your gamemode and have to resort to underhanded dirty tricks in order to succeed.
If the past has taught anyone anything...its that doing illegal shit to get ahead only last so long. When it comes crashing down...thats when the offenders realize it just wasn't worth it. The smart people figure this part out without needing to do anything illegal. |
If it really is the biggest server out there, I wonder why the fuck do they DDoS other servers... For more players or what? lol
Agree'd children like to cause legal bother for their parents and networking provider, and alll the court case shit above and the DDoSing crap I wrote on the other page, I'm not going to repeat myself

EDIT: I will state this again, NG-RP will in no way afflict SAMP.