Can't play songs from ******* **Picture**

Hey guys,

I am using 0.3d RC-2 and I have the ******* system ( )

I installed it but it didn't worked

It says this,but it doesn't play the song:

Help plz..

Messages In This Thread
Can't play songs from ******* **Picture** - by dorperez - 23.05.2012, 07:56
Re: Can't play songs from ******* **Picture** - by Flake. - 23.05.2012, 08:53
Re: Can't play songs from ******* **Picture** - by Dark Crow - 23.05.2012, 13:49
Re: Can't play songs from ******* **Picture** - by dorperez - 23.05.2012, 14:51
Re: Can't play songs from ******* **Picture** - by miley1 - 23.05.2012, 14:54
Re: Can't play songs from ******* **Picture** - by dorperez - 23.05.2012, 14:58
Re: Can't play songs from ******* **Picture** - by dorperez - 29.05.2012, 08:26
Re: Can't play songs from ******* **Picture** - by Vince - 29.05.2012, 10:21

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