23.05.2012, 07:21
If you pass the "Label" var by reference that will definitely work.
To use it.
Its the same really as label = Create3DTextLabel(...) in your version. Use it the same way you use GetPlayerHealth.
pawn Код:
stock LabelText(playerid, &Text3D: Label)
/*============================Gold VIP==================================*/
if(AccountInfo[playerid][AdminLevel] == 5 && AccountInfo[playerid][VIPlevel] == 3)
Label = Create3DTextLabel("test",0x008080FF, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 40.0, 0);
if(AccountInfo[playerid][AdminLevel] == 4 && AccountInfo[playerid][VIPlevel] == 3)
Label = Create3DTextLabel("test",0x008080FF, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 40.0, 0);
//...and so on
pawn Код:
new Text3D: label;
LabelText(playerid, label);//the function will make "label" equal to a new 3DText if one is made