22.05.2012, 08:50
Yes it does, But i made a new one, Instead of using /carhelp[1-3] , you can just use one command, /carhelp to show all this commands
Here ya go
Here ya go
PHP код:
new part1[] = "\n/car - Info about your vehicle\n/cars - Statistics about the server vehicles\n/buycar - Buy a vehicle\n/sellcar - to sell your vehicle\n/callcar - call your vehicle";
new part2[] = "\n/watch[car/off] - to spectate your vehicle\n/[Un]lock - To lock/unlock your vehicle\n/resetcar - to reset your vehicle to the parked position\n/eject[all] - To eject a player from your vehicle";
new string[128];
format(string, sizeof(string),"%s %s",part1,part2);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 100, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"Vehicle Car System",string,"Done","");