[Map] OOC Jail Remake

Hello guys today i decided to create one remake of the ooc jail of one of the most popular server's, NGG.
I have added a little info and credits in the code. You must know that i converted the map to dynamic objects so you need to have streamer plugin which i am sure 99% of the servers have it.
Picture that shows that it is the real working jail: PIC

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/VUrBh8Tz
If you like it +rep

Messages In This Thread
OOC Jail Remake - by Rg-Gaming.Info - 22.05.2012, 04:07
Re: OOC Jail Remake - by Rg-Gaming.Info - 22.05.2012, 05:16
Re: OOC Jail Remake - by kalata981 - 22.05.2012, 09:01
Re: OOC Jail Remake - by Samp_India - 22.05.2012, 09:18
Re: OOC Jail Remake - by $$inSane - 22.05.2012, 09:46
Re: OOC Jail Remake - by Rg-Gaming.Info - 22.05.2012, 09:54
Re: OOC Jail Remake - by sherlock - 22.05.2012, 11:11
Re: OOC Jail Remake - by Spookie98 - 22.05.2012, 14:09
Re: OOC Jail Remake - by Rg-Gaming.Info - 22.05.2012, 15:11
Re: OOC Jail Remake - by miley1 - 22.05.2012, 16:52

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