21.05.2012, 19:11
Hmm, I pasted your code into a completely blank pwn document and the command worked.
I've just slowly searched through my whole gamemode commenting out parts until the no parameter commands (/kill and /time for example) worked (Got the gm down to literilly just what you posted above) and made my way through uncommenting everything checking if they still worked each time. And all I have left is the commands commented except /kill and /time. They work, but if I go in game and write an unrecongnised command, they would no longer work either. If I uncomment anymore commands such as /Say for example that command wont work, yet still letting me use those 2 non parameter commands. Just for reference, here's my /say command.
Any advice?
Edit: To the post above, yes.
I've just slowly searched through my whole gamemode commenting out parts until the no parameter commands (/kill and /time for example) worked (Got the gm down to literilly just what you posted above) and made my way through uncommenting everything checking if they still worked each time. And all I have left is the commands commented except /kill and /time. They work, but if I go in game and write an unrecongnised command, they would no longer work either. If I uncomment anymore commands such as /Say for example that command wont work, yet still letting me use those 2 non parameter commands. Just for reference, here's my /say command.
pawn Код:
new resStr[128];
if(!success) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOUR_WHITE,"* Usage: /Say [Text]");
format(resStr,128,"%s says %s",PlayerName(playerid),text);
ProxDetector(5.0, playerid, resStr,COLOR_GRAD1,COLOR_GRAD2,COLOR_GRAD3,COLOR_GRAD4,COLOR_GRAD5);
return 1;
Edit: To the post above, yes.