Missing Bracket

Try commenting out any custom functions that you've added in the past 2 or so days. If it still doesn't work, try commenting out any commands, etc you've added, and try commenting out the rest of the callbacks.

I know this sounds extremely stupid, but this happened to me once and I was devastated because I commented literally the whole script and it still gave 26 errors. Turns out I had a 'd' as the first character of my script, before the includes etc, that I had mistyped some time.

- You live so close to me D:

Messages In This Thread
Missing Bracket - by MP2 - 20.05.2012, 14:30
Re: Missing Bracket - by [FMJ]PowerSurge - 20.05.2012, 14:32
Re: Missing Bracket - by MP2 - 20.05.2012, 14:34
Re: Missing Bracket - by [FMJ]PowerSurge - 20.05.2012, 14:37
Re: Missing Bracket - by Faisal_khan - 20.05.2012, 14:38
Re: Missing Bracket - by MP2 - 20.05.2012, 14:44
Re: Missing Bracket - by [ABK]Antonio - 20.05.2012, 14:46
Re: Missing Bracket - by MP2 - 20.05.2012, 14:51
Re: Missing Bracket - by [FMJ]PowerSurge - 20.05.2012, 14:51
Re: Missing Bracket - by Niko_boy - 20.05.2012, 16:03

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