error 010: invalid function or declaration [REP+]

Exactly as it says , function is invalid... But it could be a bracket ( { and } )

So try:

pawn Код:
if(pStats[playerid][pK6ht] >= 120)
        TextDrawSetString(txtK6ht[playerid], FixGameText("~w~Kхht: ~n~~g~Pungil", 32));
    else if(80 <= pStats[playerid][pK6ht] <= 80)
        TextDrawSetString(txtK6ht[playerid],  FixGameText("~w~Kхht: ~n~~y~Tдis", 32));
    else if(pStats[playerid][pK6ht] <= 30)
        TextDrawSetString(txtK6ht[playerid], FixGameText("~w~Kхht: ~n~~r~Tьhi", 32));
    TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, txtK6ht[playerid]);
    return 1;

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