[Tutorial] Detecting if player is Jetpack Hacking

Anti-Jetpack Hack (Global Variable)

Tutorial Made by Romel

Tired seeing Hacker that use Jetpack hack around your server?
Tired banning them? This tutorial will teach you how to detect Jetpack Hack
that doesn't banned innocent people. 99% anticheat working!


Open your script or open pawn.exe click new.

Now we are ready to start.

add this below the #includes

pawn Код:
new JetPack[MAX_PLAYERS];
This is Global Variable. we will use this for checking Jetpack Hack
i will tell you how to do it later.

now to avoid detecting that innocent people is using Jetpack Hack we need to add

pawn Код:
JetPack[playerid] = 1; //Setting our Global Variable JetPack to 1
in our command, Because later we will check if JetPack Global Variable is 0

Don't also forget to add

pawn Код:
JetPack[playerid] = 0; //Setting our Global Variable JetPack to 0 when OnPlayerConnect/Disconnect Called

now here is example of command JetPack in strcmp (This command will not detect as Hack)

pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/jetpack", true) == 0)
     if(JetPack[playerid] == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Already have jetpack!"); //if the global variable JetPack is already 1, SendClientMessage will called and will send to the player who use the command, Remember -1 means COLOR_WHITE, some users say -1 is invalid color, they aren't.
     JetPack[playerid] = 1; //Keep in mind set global variable JetPack to 1 before setting player special action to SPECIAL_ACTION_USEJETPACK to avoid the hack detection
     SetPlayerSpecialAction(playerid, SPECIAL_ACTION_USEJETPACK); //will make player use jetpack
     return 1;
i don't use strcmp but i think the code i mention above will work. try it yourself

Now its time to code our Anti-Jetpack Hack detection!

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
    if(GetPlayerSpecialAction(playerid) == SPECIAL_ACTION_USEJETPACK) //will check if player is using Jetpack
        if(JetPack[playerid] == 0) //if global variable JetPack is 0
             //Your ban/kick/warn code here!
        else //if global variable JetPack is 1
            return 1; //will return 1;
    else JetPack[playerid] = 0; //if player leaves the JetPack using Enter/F it will set the Global Variable JetPack to 0 again to avoid the problem in our command /jetpack
    return 1;
It might be n00b for long time scripters but this is for beginners.

Good Luck building your Anti-Jetpack Hack!

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